AmeriCorps Volunteers
The AmeriCorps Program is made possible to Glascock County through Communities In Schools of Georgia. The AmeriCorps volunteer commits to a 10-month term to serve a community to improve conditions in a certain needy area. The AmeriCorps volunteers 25 hours per week and receives a living allowance stipend every 2 weeks. At the end of their 10-month term they are offered an education award that can be used for college expenses. Glascock County has been blessed to have 3 AmeriCorps members this year. These members volunteer within the after school program to provide remedial assistance and tutoring to program participants. The program helps increase the graduation rates by improving reading and math scores and strengthening academic skills for students in grades K - 3. As tutors, members also provide support services to students to increase their time spent on independent reading.
Also the AmeriCorps members assist with completing the Energy Assistance applications. The members also provide support to the Clothes Closet and Food Pantry as needed.
Also the AmeriCorps members assist with completing the Energy Assistance applications. The members also provide support to the Clothes Closet and Food Pantry as needed.
Debbie Chalker
AmeriCorps Volunteer |
Alicia Usry
AmeriCorps Volunteer |
AmeriCorps Volunteer |
AmeriCorps Volunteer |